море волнуется как Анжольрас (с)
и снова про сериал спартак.
этот каст. этот каст ААААА!
Ману, танцующий хака на конференции - слов нет.
даже Лиам развернулся и чуть не вышел.
но самое фееричное, каст обсуждающий твой пейринг
Fan : ….(Q about Nagron and historical accuracy)
DeKnight: No it was a conscious decision, I mean one of the great things about this show is that we approch sexuality between a man and a woman, a woman and a woman, a man and a man, it was all the same in this time.
Fans: *cheering*
DeKnight: And so with Agron and Nasir we really wanted to show a relationship from the very beginning and how it started and how it developed and ..dear I say you’ll see a lot more of it in this next season. A lot more of it!! (emphasis on a lot more)
Fans: *cheering*
McIntyre: And can I say to those actors, Dan Feuerriegel and Pana Hema Taylor, they’ve formed their role immaculatly that’s I mean they are truly stunning to watch in those, in those scenes, they are just so, so alive, it’s beautiful.
Lawless: They are so heterosexual so to ..
McIntyre: Yeah!! They are pretty blokey guys you know but it’s so amazing what good actors can do, I get that, hat’s off to them. They are fantastic, they are fantastic.
и пересмотрев в 100000 раз трейлер я увидела на Назире кучу побяркушек, в том числе браслет в виде змейки на руке. это ему Агрон притащил что ли?
этот каст. этот каст ААААА!
Ману, танцующий хака на конференции - слов нет.
даже Лиам развернулся и чуть не вышел.
но самое фееричное, каст обсуждающий твой пейринг
Fan : ….(Q about Nagron and historical accuracy)
DeKnight: No it was a conscious decision, I mean one of the great things about this show is that we approch sexuality between a man and a woman, a woman and a woman, a man and a man, it was all the same in this time.
Fans: *cheering*
DeKnight: And so with Agron and Nasir we really wanted to show a relationship from the very beginning and how it started and how it developed and ..dear I say you’ll see a lot more of it in this next season. A lot more of it!! (emphasis on a lot more)
Fans: *cheering*
McIntyre: And can I say to those actors, Dan Feuerriegel and Pana Hema Taylor, they’ve formed their role immaculatly that’s I mean they are truly stunning to watch in those, in those scenes, they are just so, so alive, it’s beautiful.
Lawless: They are so heterosexual so to ..
McIntyre: Yeah!! They are pretty blokey guys you know but it’s so amazing what good actors can do, I get that, hat’s off to them. They are fantastic, they are fantastic.
и пересмотрев в 100000 раз трейлер я увидела на Назире кучу побяркушек, в том числе браслет в виде змейки на руке. это ему Агрон притащил что ли?