море волнуется как Анжольрас (с)
и опять Кевин фотографировал Марка.
я все не перестаю возмущаться, деточка. а дома тебе его не пофоткать?)

а Марк делает такой серьезный вид, дескать вообще ниче не знаю)
за камерой не мой муж и вообще траташенька тратата))
Is this both of your first long-term relationship?
M: Kevin’s my first boyfriend.
K: I’d not had anything serious. Nothing like this.
M: Not that anything could come close to this, eh? [laughing]
K: Of course not.
When you first met did you know that each other was gay?
M: You couldn’t have known, could you?
K: I never knew. But I was suspected.
M: Oh, I’m sure you were all gossiping about me. It wasn’t public then. It wasn’t even known for a fact in the industry. I trusted him from the moment I met him though. Some people you just make a connection with. I didn’t know for a fact that Kevin was gay but when I seen him dancing with Girls Aloud on the dancefloor at that party I thought ‘hmmm, he might be.’
K: [laughing] Fuck off! Sarah wasn’t there at the party so I said to Cheryl ‘I’ll be Sarah tonight’. We did the whole lot of Wake Me Up.

полностью инвью (старое):
кевина везде называют "почтимуж"
все в ожидании свадьбы.
когда уже. ирландия, я в тебя верю.
WESTLIFE star Mark Feehily has called for gay marriage to be made legal.
The singer said he wishes he could marry boyfriend Kevin McDaid without any restrictions and be afforded the same rights as his bandmates.
Mark, 30, added: “Like anyone else I want equality. I want to have the choice to get married wherever I want, just like everybody else.
“I am still reading up on different legislation matters about getting married, I’m still learning loads about it.
“But at the end of the day I would just like to be like any of my friends and the other members of the band and have the choice to get married whenever, wherever I want, be it Ireland or anywhere.”
я все не перестаю возмущаться, деточка. а дома тебе его не пофоткать?)

а Марк делает такой серьезный вид, дескать вообще ниче не знаю)
за камерой не мой муж и вообще траташенька тратата))
Is this both of your first long-term relationship?
M: Kevin’s my first boyfriend.
K: I’d not had anything serious. Nothing like this.
M: Not that anything could come close to this, eh? [laughing]
K: Of course not.
When you first met did you know that each other was gay?
M: You couldn’t have known, could you?
K: I never knew. But I was suspected.
M: Oh, I’m sure you were all gossiping about me. It wasn’t public then. It wasn’t even known for a fact in the industry. I trusted him from the moment I met him though. Some people you just make a connection with. I didn’t know for a fact that Kevin was gay but when I seen him dancing with Girls Aloud on the dancefloor at that party I thought ‘hmmm, he might be.’
K: [laughing] Fuck off! Sarah wasn’t there at the party so I said to Cheryl ‘I’ll be Sarah tonight’. We did the whole lot of Wake Me Up.

полностью инвью (старое):
кевина везде называют "почтимуж"
все в ожидании свадьбы.
когда уже. ирландия, я в тебя верю.
WESTLIFE star Mark Feehily has called for gay marriage to be made legal.
The singer said he wishes he could marry boyfriend Kevin McDaid without any restrictions and be afforded the same rights as his bandmates.
Mark, 30, added: “Like anyone else I want equality. I want to have the choice to get married wherever I want, just like everybody else.
“I am still reading up on different legislation matters about getting married, I’m still learning loads about it.
“But at the end of the day I would just like to be like any of my friends and the other members of the band and have the choice to get married whenever, wherever I want, be it Ireland or anywhere.”
блин ничего не поняла потому что только пялилась на всех)
а какие фотки! *пошла читать*
тупо Кевин снимает группу вестлайф
фотки для нового альбома)
ну не тупо, они же там еще говорят
мне важнее эта парочка гугенотов =*