если кто помнит замечательную пару:
вот устроился человек. 21 год. а у него и муж военный и собака. и все радости жизни.стюард-шотландец и валлиец младший капрал Королевской конной гвардии.
www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/a-very-...читать дальшеL/Cpl Wharton was joined in a civil partnership with his boyfriend, the Virgin air steward Thom McCaffrey, 21, surrounded by members of L/Cpl Wharton's regiment, the Blues and Royals.
"The entire regiment has been really supportive," he said. "When I went to ask the Squadron Leader, Major Nana Twumasi-Ankrah, for permission to get married, he just said 'This is fantastic, congratulations'."
"This is our first gay wedding," explained the soldier's step-father Philip Ellis. "We come from north Wales and some people are still old-fashioned." "We are very, very proud of him. It is fantastic," added his sister.
Mr McCaffrey's father Paul, a former Regimental Sergeant Major, added: "We are just over the moon. All we ever wanted for Thom, as any parent, is to see him happy."
He continued: "It is unbelievable. It was so completely alien to the Army that was then. It is not that it went from a homophobic organisation one day to an accepting organisation the next day, but it is still a big change. I do a little bit of work with the Territorial Army and we have gay guys and girls and we just accept it."так вот Джеймс добавил меня на фейсбуке)))
и сколько у меня теперь фоток будет аыыы
так же нашлись их твиттеры
они очень мило пишут
Джеймс выкладывает фото своего мужа в пьяном или полуголом виде
а Том пишет что-то типа такого вот :
фотки Джеймса с твиттера и подписи под ними
мой пьяный муж
ну нормальный вообще? убила бы)
подушка у них как в Шерлоке
yfrog.com/4jt0sejкушают пончики
встречаются с премьером-министром
и они пишут вечно hubby)))
он еще и за ливерпуль болеет)